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Athletic Flooring Source for: Aerobic Flooring, Basketball Courts, Cardio
Flooring, Exercise Room Flooring, Hardwood Flooring, Gym Flooring, Inline
Skating Flooring, Fitness Mats, Weight Room Floors, Rubber Flooring,
Multi-Purpose Flooring, Child Care Flooring, Ice-Rink Flooring, Indoor-Tracks,
Inline Hockey Floors, Lobbies, Entrance Way Flooring, Locker Room Flooring, Pool
Deck Flooring, & more Sports Flooring!
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N Walk Indoor Track System
provides the resiliency, shock absorption and
traction necessary for safe, comfortable indoor running. With an indoor jogging track,
running can be incorporated into aerobic-classes, warm-ups and exercise routines to add
versatility and variety to your members. As indoor jogging tracks have become more and more popular,
Rubberflex® has been working with leading manufacturers to develop a variety of
resilient, long-lasting subfloor materials. Our staff will help you determine the specific
performance characteristics you require in order to design an indoor track suitable for
your club or recreational facility.
Jog N Walk is the
surface for indoor gymnasiums, filed
houses and fitness training centers. We offer a variety of thickness and
along with 11 standard colors (colors are the same
as for Gymlastic
Multi-Purpose Floors). |
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[ Track Standard Colors ] [ Jog 'N Walk Track Photo 1 ] [ Jog 'N Walk Track Photo 2 ]