| |
Athletic Flooring Source for: Aerobic Flooring, Basketball Courts, Cardio
Flooring, Exercise Room Flooring, Hardwood Flooring, Gym Flooring, Inline
Skating Flooring, Fitness Mats, Weight Room Floors, Rubber Flooring,
Multi-Purpose Flooring, Child Care Flooring, Ice-Rink Flooring, Indoor-Tracks,
Inline Hockey Floors, Lobbies, Entrance Way Flooring, Locker Room Flooring, Pool
Deck Flooring, & more Sports Flooring!
Each of our
various rubber flooring products
is designed for specific applications. Just select a style below for more complete
information. |
Rubberflex Applications:
- Weight Room Floors
- Cardio Area Floors
- Multi-Purpose Room
- Indoor Jogging Tracks
- Basketball Floors
- Volleyball Floors
- Arenas
- Hallways
- Ice Rink Areas
- Pro Shop (high traffic
area floors)
- Golf Lounges...
- even horse stalls,
and more!
Tuf-Roll -
Black recycled rubber flooring. 1/4, 3/8, 1/2.
Comes in 4-0 rolls. Great for weight rooms, cardio area and even horse stalls. |
Rubberflex® Speckled
"S" -
Same as Tuf-roll with color speckles. Comes in 4-0
rolls. Great for weight rooms, cardio areas, etc. Available in blue, green, gray and red
speckles. |

Beautiful alternative to our recycled rubber line. Great for weight
rooms, entry areas, Ice skating arenas, locker room floors, gym floors, even equine
facilities. Available in a hammered or circle pattern. Comes in 1 m x 1 m x 3/8
tiles. |
Rubberflex® Arena
"S" -
Marbleized appearance. Ideal for skating rinks and high-impact area.
Comes in 1 m x 1 m x 3/8 tiles |
Rubberflex® Arena
"HG" -
Hammer-grained textured surface. Ideal for weight rooms, cardio
areas, entryways, hallways, skating rinks and high-impact area. Comes in 1 m x 1 m x
3/8 tiles. |
"A" -
Attractive, slate textured virgin rubber flooring. Comes
in many
colors and it 6.0 mm thick. |
Envirotiles -
The ultimate interlocking mat for all your wet area needs: locker
room, laundry rooms, pool areas, etc. |
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[ Rubberflex Tuf-Roll ] [ Rubberflex Speckled "S" ] [ Rubberflex Eco-Floor ] [ Rubberflex Arena S ] [ Rubberflex Arena HG ] [ Rubberflex "A" ] [ Envirotiles ]